Natural Skincare Products, Home Fragrances & More...
Growing up in a family with very sensitive skin due to several health conditions, coupled with a sibling born with a hole in heart whose heart surgery brought about super nasty eczema for years brought about the natural skincare idea and research, which in turn gave birth to Art & Scents Afrique's Ghanaba Skincare Range. 5% OF OUR SALE GO TOWARDS THE SUPPORT OF ORPHANS & HOLE IN HEART SURGERIES.
By Em- ArtScentsAfrique is a black owned wellness brand supporting the use of natural healing methods while also being focused on empowering women to be innovative in this ever growing age. A brand created by a woman of colour for all skin tones .
/pages/faqsA general rule of thumb is to keep your candle away from a draft and always keep your wicks trimmed to about ¼ of an inch prior to being (re)lit! Make sure to keep your burn sessions limited to 3-4 hours and/or until the entire surface of the wax has fully melted. Last tip - never extinguish your candle with water!
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